2010 TSFRE Research Award Recipients

Gorav Ailawadi, MD
University of Virginia
“The Effects of KLF4 in Experimental Aortic Aneurysm Formation”

David N. Anderson, MD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
“SCCRO (DCUN1D1) is Essential for Cellular Transformation”
TSFRE Research Fellowship

Nicholas D. Anderson, MD
Duke University Medical Center
“Calcium Signaling Regulates Cardiomyocyte Growth in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome”
TSFRE Research Fellowship

Leora Balsam, MD
New York University
“Simulator for Conventional and Limited Access Mitral Valve SuTSFRE Research Grantery”
Simulation Award

Alejandro Bribriesco, BS, MD
Washington University
“Role of Non-Alloimmune Stimuli in Airway Epithelial Cell Differentiation after Lung Transplantation”
TSFRE Research Fellowship

Raphael Bueno, MD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
“Simulation-Based Curriculum Development for Intraoperative Decision Making and Technical PeTSFRE Research Fellowshipormance: Cognitive Task Analysis for Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic (VATS) Lobectomy”
Simulation Award

Joanna Chikwe, MD
Mount Sinai Medical Center
“High Fidelity Simulation in Preparing Medical Students for Integrated Cardiothoracic Residency Training”
Simulation Award

Yolanda Colson, MD, PhD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
“Exportable Crisis Management Assessment Curiculum (ECMAC)”
Simulation Award

Richard H. Feins, MD
UNC School of Medicine
“Multicenter Cardiac Simulator Beta Testing”
Simulation Award

William Hiesinger, MD
University of Pennsylvania
“(CHASMS) Instrument for Infants Following Cardiac SuTSFRE Research Grantery”
TSFRE Research Fellowship

Jennifer Hirsch, MD, MS
University of Michigan Medical Center
“Development of a Congenital Heart Assessment of Sensory and Motor Status”
Braunwald Career Development Award

Blair Marshall, MD
Georgetown University Hospital
“Development of Task Specific Cardiothoracic Simulation Models for Independent Study and Skill Acquisition”
Simulation Award

Shari Meyerson, MD
Northwestern University
“Validation of a Thoracoscopic Lobectomy Simulator”
Simulation Award

Mark Onaitis, MD
Duke University
“The Mechanism of Sox2 in Lung Cancer Development”
TSFRE Research Grant

Thomas B. Reece, MD
University of Colorado
“The Role of Specific Adenosine Receptor Activation In Ischemic Preconditioning of the Spinal Cord”
TSFRE Research Grant

Brendon Stiles, MD
Weill Medical College, Cornell University
“Disseminated Tumor Cells in the Bone Marrow of Patients With SuTSFRE Research Grantically Resectable”
TSFRE Research Grant

Matthew J. Schuchert, MD
University of Pittsburgh
“Enhancement of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Engraftment with CD8+ Marrow Progenitors”