The Thoracic Surgery Foundation Celebrates 2024 Award Recipients

Pictured above are Dr. Sahar Saddoughi (L) and Dr. Joseph Dearani (R) celebrating Dr. Saddoughi's accomplishment as the first Douglas Mathisen Traveling Fellow in General Thoracic Surgery.

The Thoracic Surgery Foundation Celebrates 2024 Award Recipients
During the recent STS Annual Meeting in San Antonio, The Thoracic Surgery Foundation (TSF) was thrilled to welcome more than 200 supporters to the VIP & Awards Reception. The event celebrated generous TSF donors and was the site of formal presentation of the 2024 TSF Awards in research, education, leadership, and international surgical outreach.
As the charitable arm of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons, TSF funds awards for surgeons at all career stages. The awards presented in San Antonio are part of the $1.7 million in grants and awards slated for 2024 that will directly strengthen the cardiothoracic surgery specialty.
Research awards were presented to the 2024 cohort by TSF President Dr. Joseph A. Dearani and 2023-2024 TSF Research Chair Dr. Prashanth Vallabhajosyula. Education awards were presented by TSF Board Members Dr. Karen Kim and Dr. Virginia Litle and Saha Award sponsor Dr. Sibu Saha. Amanda Fowler, head of the Edwards Lifesciences Foundation, joined TSF Charitable Outreach Chair Dr. Joseph Bavaria on stage for presentation of the Every Heartbeat Matters Awards.
Dr. Sibu Saha offered recollections of his colleague, Dr. Graydon Long, who along with his wife Virginia, made a significant bequest gift to TSF in 2023. Major donors were acknowledged with a wall of big checks and announcements from the stage, with special gratitude extended to The Roberts Foundation, Dr. Eugene Braunwald, Edwards Lifesciences Foundation, AstraZeneca, and Intuitive for their gifts in 2023.
View the reception photos on the TSF Facebook page. TSF is grateful to its generous donors and extends congratulations to the 2024 award recipients. Be sure to secure your invitation to the 2025 VIP & Awards Reception with a gift to TSF this year!
TSF funded $1.7 million in grants and awards for surgeons at all career stages.

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Your gift to TSF supports cardiothoracic surgery professionals in their drive to advance heart and lung health for all. Please consider a gift today!

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Your gift to TSF supports cardiothoracic surgery professionals in their drive to advance heart and lung health for all. Please consider a gift today!

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Your gift to TSF supports cardiothoracic surgery professionals in their drive to advance heart and lung health for all. Please consider a gift today!