2002 Research Award Recipients

Yolanda Colson, MD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
“Identifying the Tumor Stem Cell in Malignant Mesothelioma”
TSFRE/Medtronic Research Grant

Robert J. Korst, MD
Cornell University
“Enhancement of vaccine-mediated, CD8+ Tcell -Specific Anti-Tumor Ummunity by in vivo manipulation of the tumor cell surface”
TSFRE Research Grant

Leora Balsam, MD
Stanford University
“From Marrow to Heart: Myocardial Regeneration with Bone Marrow Cells”
Braunwald Research Fellowship

Tara Karamlou, MD
Oregon Health Sciences University
“Volume Overload in the Ovine Fetus Alters Cardiomyocyte and Coronary Growth”
Braunwald Research Fellowship

Michael S. Mulligan, MD
University of Washington
“Calcineurin Inhibition in Lung Reperfusion Injury”