Carolyn E. Reed Traveling Fellowship Award
Carolyn E. Reed, MD was a thoracic surgeon, educator, and successful researcher who died while in the prime years of her career. She served as the first female Chair of the ABTS and was also President of STSA and STS. This award in her honor provides support of up to $10,000 for one year for a clinically-established woman cardiothoracic surgeon, or woman resident in her last year of cardiothoracic surgery residency, to travel to another institution for the purpose of learning a new skill or technology.
The purpose of this fellowship is to allow a woman cardiothoracic surgeon to travel to another institution for the purpose of learning a new technology, fostering collaboration between surgical investigators and providing a new innovation to her home institution. This award of up to $10,000 will be used to defray the cost of travel and living expenses.
A woman cardiothoracic surgeon who has completed training leading to certification by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery (ABTS) or its Canadian equivalent, or a woman CT surgery resident in her last year of training at an ACGME or Canadian equivalent accredited program who expects to be eligible for ABTS or its equivalent Canadian certification at the time the award is dispersed. The candidate must be in active practice or training in general thoracic surgery or cardiac surgery, express a desire to expand their skills within that specialty, and have an established mentor/sponsor who agrees to provide the applicant with training experience.
Award Amount
Up to $10,000 will be award to help defray the cost of travel and living expenses.
Application Process
The proposed educational experience will be defined by the applicant to include technique/procedure to be learned, proposed mentor/site, duration of training experience and benefit to the applicant and to her home institution. The mentor/sponsor will be required to submit a letter that confirms (a) the availability of adequate clinic/case experience that will provide the proposed training, and (b) his or her agreement to serve as mentor.
Required Application Material
- Biographical Information
- Personal Goal (100 words or less)
- Career Goals (500 words or less)
- Education Environment at host institution (750 words or less)
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) or NIH Biosketch
- Mentor's Curriculum Vitae (CV) or NIH Biosketch
- Letter of Support from Mentor
- Headshot Photograph
- Optional: Additional Letters of Support
Application Selection and Terms
The Reed Traveling Fellowship grant applications will be initially reviewed and evaluated by the TSF Reed Awards Committee. The Committee will make a formal recommendation for funding to the TSF Board of Directors.
Terms: Training is to be completed within one year of selection. 75% percent of the award will be paid to the recipient 30–60 days prior to beginning the educational program. A final written summary must be submitted (within 30 days of the fellowship’s completion) to TSF summarizing the educational experience and reviewing changes in practice on return to the home institution. The remaining award will be paid to the recipient on receipt of the final summary.
- Applicant is responsible for selection of his/her mentor.
- Applicant is responsible for securing a position with the mentor at the host institution.
- Application Open: July 1, 2025
- Application Deadline: September 15, 2025
- Applicants Notified of Award or Regrets: December 2025 - January 2026
See full award timeline here.
About The Award
Carolyn E. Reed, MD was a thoracic surgeon, an educator, and a successful researcher, who died in the prime years of her career. She was an inspiration for young surgeons pursuing academic careers and positions of leadership. To honor the memory of Dr. Reed and to continue her commitment to the education of innovative thoracic surgeons, The Thoracic Surgery Foundation, in conjunction with Women in Thoracic Surgery (WTS), has established the Carolyn E. Reed Traveling Fellowship.
This annual award, provided and administered by TSF, will allow a clinically-established woman cardiothoracic surgeon to travel to another institution for the purpose of learning a new skill or technology. As she was the consummate educator, the leaders of both TSF and WTS deem it most appropriate to establish this initiative in honor of Carolyn E. Reed.
Please join us in celebrating Carolyn’s life and dedication to education and innovation. We thank you in advance for your support! Donations can be made:
- Online – Make a credit card donation today.
- By Mail – Mail a check, made payable and addressed to The Thoracic Surgery Foundation, 633 N. Saint Clair Street, Suite 2100, Chicago, IL 60611. Please note the “Carolyn E. Reed Fellowship” in the memo section of your check.

Are you qualified for this award? Start your application today!
TSF is dedicated to supporting cardiothoracic surgeons at every career stage. Don’t miss out—submit your application by September 15 to be considered in the upcoming award cycle.

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