Robert L. Replogle Traveling Fellowship Award

Robert L. Replogle, MD was a talented pediatric cardiac surgeon as well as an educator, researcher, and national leader in cardiothoracic surgery. The purpose of the Replogle Fellowship is to facilitate the continuing education of a deserving young faculty surgeon or resident committed to the treatment of congenital heart disease in neonates, infants, children, and adults. The award is to be used for travel to another institution for the purpose of learning a novel technique, adapting innovative technology, and/or fostering collaboration between surgical investigators in order to further the progress of congenital heart surgery at the recipient’s home institution. This award in Dr. Replogle’s name provides support of up to $10,000 for up to four weeks for early career congenital heart surgeons, fellows enrolled in a congenital cardiac surgery fellowship, or cardiothoracic surgery residents who have matched in a congenital cardiac surgery fellowship.

CT Surgery Resident
Early Career
Open Date:
July 1, 2024
Close Date:
September 15, 2024
Currently Closed


The purpose of this traveling fellowship is to facilitate the continuing education of a deserving young faculty surgeon or resident committed to the treatment of congenital heart disease in neonates, infants, children and adults. The award is to be used for travel to another institution for the purpose of learning a novel technique, adapting innovative technology and/or fostering collaboration between surgical investigators in order to further the progress of congenital heart surgery at the recipient’s home institution. The successful applicant will have a record of excellence in training and academic achievement, and will have secured a position at an institution capable of providing continued growth and development in the realm of congenital heart surgery.


  • Congenital heart surgeons who are within the first 7 years of completion of an ACGME-accredited congenital heart surgery fellowship (or its equivalent outside the U.S.) and who are certified or eligible for certification by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery (ABTS) or its equivalent outside the U.S. by the grant start date
  • Fellows enrolled in an ACGME-accredited congenital cardiac surgery fellowship program at the time of application
  • Cardiothoracic surgery residents who have matched at an ACGME-accredited congenital cardiac surgery fellowship

Award Amount

Awards of up to $10,000 for up to four weeks will be granted to support a congenital heart surgeon for this fellowship. The first award payment will be made in February 2025 (75%) and the second and final installment (25%) will be made upon completion of a satisfactory progress report, which will be approved by the TSF Replogle Award Committee. This award of up to $10,000 will be used to defray the travel and living expenses for the sabbatical period.

Application Requirements

  • Biographical Information
  • Personal Goal (100 words)
  • Career Goal (500 words)
  • Education Environment at Host Institution (750 words)
  • Sponsor/Mentor Information

Required Application Materials

  • Completed online application
  • Applicant’s CV
  • Sponsor/Mentor’s CV
  • One (1) Letter of Support from host institution sponsor. The letter should confirm: (a) the availability of adequate training environment/educational experience that will provide the proposed training, and (b) his or her agreement to serve as mentor
  • Budget (approximate breakdown of funding costs)


  • Application Open: July 1, 2024
  • Application Deadline: September 15, 2024
  • Applicants Notified of Award or Regrets: December 2024 - January 2025

See full award timeline here.

About The Award

Dr. Robert L. Replogle, fondly known as “Rep” by his colleagues, was a talented pediatric cardiac surgeon, as well as an educator, researcher, and national leader in cardiothoracic surgery. After naval service during the Korean War, Rep graduated from Harvard Medical School and undertook internship at the University of Minnesota and residency at Massachusetts General Hospital. His first faculty position was at Boston Children’s Hospital and he then transitioned to the University of Chicago where he headed the congenital heart surgery program.

His career included both pediatric open heart and adult cardiac surgery. Rep was a staunch champion for his patients and a dedicated mentor to the scores of trainees fortunate enough to work under him. Throughout his career, Dr. Replogle held many leadership positions, including President of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS). He also was a Founding Member of TSF, instrumental in launching the STS National Database and the guiding force behind the establishment of CTSNet. Not only was Rep a giant in the field of cardiothoracic surgery, but he also was a devoted husband, father, and trusted colleague and friend to so many within the CT surgery specialty.

Please join us in celebrating Rep’s life and dedication to education and congenital surgery with a gift to this award in his honor.

  • Online – Make a credit card donation today.
  • By Mail – Mail a check, made payable and addressed to The Thoracic Surgery Foundation, 633 N. Saint Clair Street, Suite 2100, Chicago, IL 60611. Please note the “Replogle Traveling Fellowship” in the memo section of your check.

Are you qualified for this award? Start your application today!

TSF is dedicated to supporting cardiothoracic surgeons at every career stage. Don’t miss out—submit your application by September 15 to be considered in the upcoming award cycle.

A surgeon performing some surgery

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